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PHOTO 2021 02 17 19 55 58 — App Icons BerriesPHOTO 2021 02 17 19 55 58 — App Icons Berries

App Icons Berries


App Icons Berries


– 1.400+ App Icons & 24 Widget Quotes

Acorns, Acrobat, ADP, Afterpay, Ahrefs, Airbnb, Alexa, Aliexpress, Allstate, Amazon, Amazonmusic, Amazonprimevideo, Amongus, Apple, ApplePay, Appletv, AppleWatch, AppStore, Asana, Ato, Audible, Badge, Balance, Bank, Barclays, Basket, BBC, Bedbathbeyond, Behance, Bible, Bills, Bing, Bitcoin, Bitmoji, Bloomberg, Boohoo, Booking, Books, Brother, Burgerking, Buzzfeed, Buzzsumo, Calculator, Calendar, Callofduty, Camera, Canva, Card, Chase, Citizen, City, CleanScore, Clock, CNN, CoffeTime, Coibase, Contacts, Cooking, CVShealth, Darksky, Dash, Discord, Discover, Disney, Dollar, Doordash, Drive, Dropbox, Ebay, Ethereum, Etsy, Evernote, Excel, Expedia, Facebook, Facetime, Files, Finanace, Findmy, Firefox, Fitbit, fitness, FlyBuys, Foco, Fortune, Google, GoogleChrome, GoogleClassroom, GoogleDoc, GoogleHome, GoogleKeep, GooglePhotos, Groupon, Hangouts, HBO, Health, HelloFresh, Home, HomeAway, HomeSecurity, Hulu, Hunter, IGTV, Ikea, iMovie, Indeed, Instagram, iTunes, JustEat, Kayak, KFC, Kickstarter, KiraKira, Klarna, Kraken, Lastminute, LastPass, Layout, Lightroom, Linkedin, Livestream, Loseit, LouisVuitton, LuckyCleverLeaf, Lyft, Mail, Map, Measures, Medium, Mega, Menu, Messages, Messenger, Moonpig, Music, Netflix, News, NordVPN, Notes, Oak, OpenTable, Opera, Outlooks, Owl, Pandora, Pass, PayPal, PDF, PhilipsHue, Phone, Photos, Photoshop, Phototransfer, Pinterest, Pizza, PNC, Podcasts, Postmates, PowerPoint, Puzzle, QR, Realtor, Reddit, Reminders, Restaurant, Revolve, Roku, School, Settings, Shazam, Shein, Shortcuts, Showtime, Skype, Slack, Slimmingworld, Smilingmind, Snapchat, Snapseed, SnowFlake, SoundCloud, Sport, Spotify, Star, StarBucks, Stocard, Strava, Stream, Subway, Swiggy, Target, Tealeaf, Telegram, TikTok, Tinder, Transit, Translator, Twitch, Twitter, Uber, UberEats, Unfold, USAA, Venmo, Viber, Video, Visa, Voice, Vrbo, VSCO, Vudu, Wallet, Walmart, Waze, Weather, Westernunion, Whatsapp, WholeFoods, WidgetSmith, Wish, WordPress, Xapo, Yandex, Yelp, Yes, Youtube, Zelle, Zillow, Zip, Zoom & more…

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