C6696CF7 981C 424A 8F9F E6560E4D3536 — App Icons Gold Four SeasonsC6696CF7 981C 424A 8F9F E6560E4D3536 — App Icons Gold Four Seasons

App Icons Gold Four Seasons


App Icons Gold Four Seasons

• How to Change App Icons: https://ienjoyediting.com/how-to-change-app-icons-with-ios14-home-screen-iphone/


– 1000+ App Icons, 9 Winter Widgets, 34 Marine Widgets & 6 wallpapers

Includes 200+ icons for the following apps:

Acorns, Ahrefs, Airbnb, Aliexpress, Amazonmusic, Allstate, Alexa, Amazon, Apple Pay, Apple Store, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Bank, Bing, BOA, Boohoo, Booking, Books, Buzzfeed, Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Card, Chase, Clock, Coinbase, Contacts, Drive, Domino’s, Dropbox, Email, Etsy, Evernote, Expedia, Facebook, FaceTime, Facetuna, Files, Finance, Finance2, Find My, Fitness, Fitness 2, Followers, Google, Google Chrome, Google Classroom, Google Photos, HBO, Health, Health 2, Home, Home 2, IGTV, Images, iMovie, iTunes, KFC, Kickstarter, KiraKira, Lastminute, Layout, Linkedln, Life360, Mail, Map, Medium, Mega, Messages, Messages 2, Messenger, Netflix, Nintendo Switch, Notes, Outlook, Pandora, PayPal, Phone, Pinterest, Podcasts, Postmates, Prime Video, QR, RBC, Realtor, Reddit, Reminders, Roku, Shake Shack, Safari, Settings, Shazam, Shein, Shortcuts, Skype, Slack, Snapchat, Snowflake, Sound Clouds, Spotify, Starbucks, Stream, Subway, Telegram, Tiktok, Tim Hortons, Tinder, Translator, Twitch, Twitter, Uber, Uber Eats, Venmo, Video, Visa, Voice, Vrbo, Wallet, Walmart, Waze, Weight, WhatsApp, Widgetsmith, Workplace, Xapo, Yahoo, YouTube, Zelle, Zillow, Zoom
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