How to Change App Icons with iOS 14 Home Screen iPhone – iEnjoyEditing

CFB3866C 7838 4864 A9E4 3455FB189B8C — How to Change App Icons with iOS 14 Home Screen iPhone - iEnjoyEditing

How to Change App Icons with iOS 14?

Customize your Home Screen with this easy step-by-step instructions and get an aesthetic look!

1. Go to shortcuts app (it´s already preinstalled on your iPhone)

2. Tap on + on the top right corner of the screen

3. Tap on Add Action

FE947E35 E935 4D30 A5FF 92579CECBB6E — How to Change App Icons with iOS 14 Home Screen iPhone - iEnjoyEditing

4. Search for Open App and select it

5. Tap on Choose and select the app that you want to change the icon, then tap on the 3 dots in the top right corner

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6. Almost done! Tap on Add to Home Screen

7. Name the shortcut

8. Tap on the icon and select Choose Photo

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9. Select your replacement image

10. Tap Add and return to your Home Screen!

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Repeat the same steps with each app 🙂

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